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  1. Chuck
    June 14, 2018 @ 9:11 pm

    Komodo is already doing this. Here is a great read, and a good example of how.


    • Berg
      June 19, 2018 @ 4:54 pm

      Yeah, it’s called dPoW (Delayed Proof of Work) and $Hush is already implementing it through Komodo notarization…


  2. Daira Hopwood
    June 15, 2018 @ 2:26 pm

    I’m concerned that this proposal may increase the risk of temporary network partitions becoming permanent.

    If you have a temporary bilateral partition, each side of the partition sees its own side’s blocks as being submitted without undue delay. But when the partition resolves, each side sees the other side’s blocks as having been delayed, so those blocks will be penalized. This situation will persist because the nodes that were on each side will retain the memory that their branch of the chain wasn’t delayed. So the chain will split permanently, as far as I can see.


    • Alberto Garoffolo
      June 18, 2018 @ 2:23 pm

      Hi Daira,
      in case of a non-malicious split of the network, after the two sides start communicating again, each side will assign a penalty on the blocks received from the other side. Each side will then keep mining it’s own branch but the penalty on the other chain will be reduced block by block because, also if we receive new blocks from the other branch, the other side block height will be equal to this side height and then a -1 penalty will be applied. In this way, after the penalty goes to zero, the side that find the first block will have it’s chain adopted also by the other one and they will join.


      • IAmNotAJeep
        July 10, 2018 @ 7:54 am

        Could this open up the door to an attack, where the objective would be to keep splitting the chains? Similar to what a DDOS does. Obviously today the cost would be high, and the effort not justifiable, but theoretically, could this result in enough fragmentation to disrupt the ecosystem with endless penalties? What if there are 3 chains? How do the penalties work out? What if we scale to 4 and so on?


  3. Charlie Lee
    June 19, 2018 @ 4:11 am

    This is a re-hash of dPoW which is the only consensus algorithm that has stood the test of 51%……..unlike zencash and many other equihash coins. Stop reinventing the wheel and start giving credit where it’s due.


    • 12_Skip That
      June 19, 2018 @ 2:52 pm

      Like Zen…. just use DigiSheild & call it a day… a nice solution and great community … or take a look at VeriCoin…. dPOW is “OK”…..


  4. Dwy
    June 19, 2018 @ 5:10 am

    How can you say : WOW we have the solution, our Chief Solution Architect designed it. Design what part exactly ?
    Notary ideas / dPOW are just a fact, they are working, and are live on Komodo platform, nothing is new here. Renaming the nodes names from Notary Nodes to Super Nodes is your solution? At least giving credits is a minimum.


    • Dwy
      June 19, 2018 @ 5:48 am

      Mentionned at 18:39, my bad.


  5. paul
    June 26, 2018 @ 6:08 pm

    The biggest mistake Zen can make is to fork agaisnt ASIC they will proove to be your best asset as the weaker fork away example …BTG


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